About  —

My name is Matthew Ontiveros Burt.  I am a Jr. Full Stack Web Developer from Fort Collins CO.  I enjoy problem solving and am super excited to solve real world problems with code!


Tech Skills  —




the social petwork —

The Social Media Application specifically designed for pet lovers!

  • PROJECT: The Social Petwork
  • ROLE: Web Developer 
  • BUILT WITH: React, JavaScript, CSS, Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Bycrypt,  Apollo-Server-Express, GraphQL, Socket IO.  

This project is a social media application for pets! It was designed with humor as the users will be the pet themselves. This app has the ability for a user to register/signup. Once the user is logged in they are directed to the feedpage. On the feedpage the user can see a timeline of other users posts. There the user can like a post from another user. A logged in user can create a new post. They have the ability to update that post as well as delete the post. We first built this project with a REST API and then converted the backend to use GraphQL queries and mutations. 


A mock e-commerce store.                    

  • PROJECT: Really Good Fake Store
  • ROLE: Web Developer
  • BUILT WITH: JavaScript, MySQL, Bootstrap, Handlebars, Node.js, Express, bycrypt , Validator, Sequilize. 

As a web developer at Spotify, I lead web design and scrum for all platforms including desktop, mobile and consoles. I worked for three years on the mobile app and UX design.



Urban Cipher where you can search for any lingo you want to get 'hip' with.

  • PROJECT:  Urban Cipher
  • ROLE: Front End Web Developer
  • BUILT WITH: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bulma

The user can start by entering an artist and Urban Cipher will generate that artists top 10 tracks to help  find the users song, otherwise the user can enter the song of their choice press search and Urban Cipher will generate the lyrics of that song for you. One can use our Urban Dictionary to search for any lingo one wants to  further their knowledge with our Webster or Urban dictionary search. 


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